Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Minimalist wanna-be!

I have always been an organized person, but for the past year, I have been fighting it.  #1 has always been very good about keeping things "just so"... she's a perfectionist, but once #2 was mobile, that all went out the window!  She has always been a messy kid.  It drives #1 crazy.  Who knows what #3 will be like, but as of now, he's all boy.  He takes toys and just throws them to see what happens.  It's pretty funny actually, because he has this devilish laugh that makes me wonder what's going on in his little head. 

Anyhow - when #3 arrived, I decided to put my organized nature aside and just go with it.  To make a long story short, I've had a few episodes of feeling overwhelmed, and the root of it was disorganization and the fact that we have too much stuff!!!  As soon as I started organizing the toys... figuring out what to sell, donate, and put away to rotate with what is out now... just that little task (which actually took a few hours) made me feel like I was gaining control again. 

There is something to say about the minimalist lifestyle.  That's something I would like to work on because the less you have, the less you have to organize. 

These little freak-outs happen every once in a while, and most often, what makes me feel better is to get out of the house and take a nature walk with the kids.  They get so much enjoyment out of being outside, in nature... #1 with her fancy shoes and dress on leading us down the safest path, #2 with her shades on upside down, a song playing in her head and a strut in her step... and #3 in the Ergo on my back with his little legs sticking out the side probably passed out.  Just writing that gives me so much comfort.  It makes me happy to know that they each have their own little personalities... already so strong.  Instead of worrying about how it's going to potentially hurt them in the future, embrase it and make them confident in who they are.  They are my perfect, sweet, little people.  I love each and every bit of them.   
#1 leading the way and #2 dancing up the street!
So, I am going to try simplifying. 

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