Saturday, June 18, 2011


One of my good friends has a hope chest in the middle of her living room that she uses as a trunk for kid toys.  Saying it that way makes it sound like a toy box, but it's the most organized "toy box" I've ever seen.  She has everything in there nice and neat, and when the kids are board with what they are playing with, she rotates.  Genius!  

I just hosted a Tupperware party and got a nice chunk of change... SO.... my husband found me a Lane cedar chest that will enable me to do just as my friend does.  The only downside to the one he found was that it had this awful upholstered cushion on top.  I have been eager to take on little projects in the house, so I took off to Joann's Fabric to see what I could find.  My hope is to eventually have a modern beach house feel in that room.  With the wall color in mind, I found this fabric.

It is a nice canvas material (not outdoor canvas... that's more expensive).  There was only about a yard and a quarter left at the store, but I really liked it, so I got it and hoped it was enough. 

It was!!!  Imagine how excited I was!!! 
I've never re-upholstered anything before, but I have had it explained to me in the past, so I was confident about it!  I unscrewed the cushion from inside the chest, grabbed the staple gun and went to town!  :o)

The picture is a little dark, but it came out wonderful!  A new window bench for #1 and #2 to sit at and watch the turkey's that frequent our yard.  #1 loves to read Highlights on it.  :o)

I found another fabric that I loved.  Time for another project!

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