Friday, August 27, 2010

Sorry I've been MIA

Sorry I have been away for a few days. I am hosting a surprise baby shower for a friend and it's tomorrow, so things are a little hectic at the moment. Another reason for my not posting in the last few days is because our internet wasn't working. You see, we live in the country, so high speed internet isn't available like it is in other places. When we first moved into this house, we had to settle for dial-up. That was HORRIBLE! It reminded me of the time when internet first came out. My parents signed up for AOL and each of us had our own screen name (we were all old enough to have our own). It was so exciting for us... and my parents too. The upside was that we had the world at our fingertips. The down side was that it tied up the phone line. It was SO annoying if you were the one trying to call the person "surfing the web!!!" Today, we'd just call that persons cell phone... because we all seem to have one these days.

So yes... we had to settle for dial up. Then, we found out about satellite internet. The good thing about it is the speed. It's quite a bit faster than dial up. The bad thing about it is that your service is dependent on the weather. Not so much fun! If it's rainy or cloudy, we're out! Luckily we have a data plan on our cell phones, so we can access internet that way. It's awesome, but I won't be typing a blog on my little tiny cell phone. It is way faster to type on my keyboard.


I have an update on #2's issue. She has been pooping with ease!!! She isn't complaining and the consistency is perfectly normal. It has been 10 days since she stopped dairy, so I'm starting to think this may be the issue. Something else that seems to be getting better are what I call "bumpies" on her arms, cheeks and eyebrows. It's another thing she has had since birth, and her older sister has the same thing but not as worse. I have them a little bit on my arms, so I just figured it was something they'd have to live with, just like me. It didn't concern me because it doesn't seem to bother them. Anyhow - they are slowly disappearing. Stay tuned...

That is it for now. I have a crying baby to take care of, then it's more picking up for the party tomorrow. Believe it or not, I'm very excited. Not stressed out at all! Which is so not like me when I'm about to have 40 people in my house. :o)

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