Monday, August 23, 2010

The Monday after any vacation always proves to be crazy. Unpacking bags, doing laundry, trying to get three kids back on a schedule, food shopping, etc. Fun stuff! It can be stressful if you let it, but I try to roll with the punches and it helps. With three little ones still needing naps, there really isn't much time to play with if you still want to get those naps in. We were doing great this morning! Everyone was up nice and early (6:30am), so we had breakfast, got dressed and were ready to go out the door when #1 decided she wanted one more sip of her blueberry pomegranate juice before heading out for the morning. I think you see where this is going. The drink, which was luckily only half way full, spilled all over the table. As you know, blueberries and pomegranates stain something awful, so I had to get that table cloth on a cold rinse cycle fast so the stain wouldn't stick. Though it didn't set us back too much, this is a typical morning for us. We usually have a lot of interruptions. One thing I have learned since #3 was born is that you have to be okay with being flexible. If you are a person that thrives on schedule and efficiency, having three little ones so close together in age will drive you batty. It's not easy. Especially when the grandparents are over and hour and a half away from you.

That is it for my "free" time today. We are fastly approaching dinner time, so I have to go put something together. DH won't be home for a while. The Monday after vacation is always hard for him too. Catching up!

Until next time...

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