Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Golden Rule

Something I am always trying to teach my little ones is how to be kind and thoughtful.  I got The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule (Berenstain Bears/Living Lights).  #1 is very much a rule follower and LOVES books, so I felt this was perfect for her.  We haven't made much progress with it, because lets face it... all children are selfish little beings and only learn by actions... but I always make reference to "The Golden Rule." 

So, I guess #1 would like to get flowers more often because she picks them everywhere and brings them home to me.  I love it! 
#1 picking flowers from a little patch

Although she's going through a bit of a bad behavioral patch, she can be the sweetest little thing (she should have been an only child!).  She also walks up to me at random times throughout the day and says "Mommy, I just love you."  Enough to melt my heart!

As most of you parents out there know, you don't see much "product" from your parenting efforts until the children are much older.  I used to believe that 100%.  Now, I believe that you see little glimpses of who they are going to be throughout their childhood.  My little #1 can add thoughtful to her list!